The Healdsburg Guitar Festival has become the world's premier exposition and sale of custom acoustic guitars, and this year was a great turn out! In addition to the many local U.S. luthiers, luthiers from Canada, New Zealand, China, Malaysia, Finland, Scotland, Germany, Austria, South Africa, Japan, Spain, and Sweden were represented this year. It was the perfect opportunity for Kenny Hill to reunite with old friends and meet many new ones.
"This year's festival was composed of almost all steel string builders; it is interesting to notice fewer and fewer nylon string builders every year."
-Kenny Hill
Chris Herrod, the director of the Healdsburg Guitar Festival, said "the level of
craftsmanship and innovation seen on this year’s instruments was simply
beyond compare. In what other industry do you see ‘competitors’ sharing such a profound sense of community and camaraderie?"
At the festival Kenny showed off one of his signature guitars and explained in detail what makes it sound so great!
Follow this link to see the interview: Kenny Hill at Healdsburg 2013
Follow this link to see the interview: Kenny Hill at Healdsburg 2013
Overall it was a great success and we look forward to 2015's festival!
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